Technology/Planning Tools
American Forests’ Tree Equity Score
In cities across America, trees have historically been planted along race and class lines. Ensuring equitable tree cover across every neighborhood can help address social inequities so that all people can thrive. A new digital mapping tool shows your city or town’s current Tree Equity Score and how it can be improved. Each score is calculated using a science-based approach and readily available data from a variety of sources. Check out the study and scoring of Greater Phoenix.
Arizona Blueprint
The Arizona Water Blueprint is a data-rich, interactive map of Arizona’s water resources and infrastructure. Offering data visualizations and in-depth multimedia content on important water-related topics, the Water Blueprint is a tool for holistic thinking to inform policy decisions and good water stewardship
City of Buckeye Gila River “El Rio Corridor”
Three cities in the West Valley, Avondale/Goodyear/Buckeye, have worked together with Maricopa County Flood Control District on design standards and planning guidelines for a 17-mile stretch of the Salt/Gila River corridor. The plan focuses on ecological and habitat restoration within the West Valley flood plain.
A Deeper Map
A Deeper Map is a mobile app that invites you to discover where ancient irrigation canals and agricultural fields once existed in what is now the Phoenix metro area.
Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
In order to better meet the U.S. Environmental Projection Agency’s responsibilities related to the protection of public health and the environment, EPA developed a new environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool called EJScreen. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports. Learn more about Environmental Justice at EPA.
Maricopa County Parks Vision 2030
The Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department is in the process of developing the Strategic Systems Master Plan: Parks Vision 2030, an update to their 2009 Plan. This plan will include an assessment of the entire park system, including the county regional parks and trails as well as looking beyond park borders. The plan will identify opportunities to leverage success through partnerships to protect priority areas and enhance regional connectivity for people and wildlife.
National League of Cities Federal Funding Climate Action Tool
The Federal Funding Sources for Municipal Sustainability Tool offers a searchable list of federal grant programs designated for infrastructure and programs to address climate change mitigation, resiliency, waste reduction, air quality, ecosystem restoration and other sustainability efforts.
Regional Open Space Strategy (ROSS)
In January 2016, with significant human and financial resources from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust and partner organizations, the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance convened a multi-scale, stakeholder-driven, strategic planning process in an effort to reconcile our region’s values for economic growth and conservation of our natural and cultural heritage. Hundreds of collaborative workshops and meetings, with copious research and outreach, resulted in a Regional Open Space Strategy for Maricopa County (ROSS).
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s West Salt River Basin Study
The West Salt River Valley Basin Study (WSRVBS) is a collaborative effort lead by the West Valley Water Association and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation that began in July 2014. WVWA consists of West Valley municipal and private water providers, along with interested water agencies, that work to develop regional water solutions. The study area includes the western portion of the Phoenix metropolitan area, as well as the adjacent Lower Hassayampa, Rainbow Valley and Lake Pleasant groundwater sub-basins. As one of the fastest growing urban areas in the country, the projected rate and location of population growth are of principal concern. Municipal water demands in the region are expected to grow considerably. Additional renewable supplies must be secured in order to meet this demand without negatively impacting the aquifer system.
White Tanks Mountains Conservancy Interactive StoryMap
The White Tank Mountains Regional Connectivity Initiative StoryMap is an interactive visual collection that tells the story of the White Tank Mountains Conservancy’s Regional Connectivity Initiative, and it is now available on the Conservancy’s website for public viewing.
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