Ambassador’s Corner

Ambassador’s Corner

Meet Cindi Ptak—Rio Reimagined’s Ambassador to the Urban Waters Federal Partnership 

Cindi is the founder of Hummingbird Collective Consulting, LLC, where she combines decades of government policy and programmatic experience with a commitment to reshaping relationships with federal, tribal, state, and local partners. She puts her robust understanding of federal funding programs to work as Ambassador for the Rio Reimagined initiative serving as a liaison between local partners and the federal government as part of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership. Hosted by the Maricopa Association of Governments, Cindi provides valuable support to the communities and local and tribal governments located along the Salt and Gila River corridor, including Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Buckeye, Goodyear, Avondale, Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, and Maricopa County, and members of the Rio Reimagined Advisory Group that include Arizona State University and SRP.

The Rio Reimagined Ambassador is a consultant position under contract to the Maricopa Association of Governments.  

Role & Benefits of a RIO Ambassador

Federal Liaison

As your Ambassador to the Urban Waters Federal Partnership, Cindi can identify federal funding opportunities and connects resources and tools to local needs in collaboration with local partners. Cindi is currently working on two regional grant applications with several more in the pipeline.

Local Leader

The Ambassador navigates our Urban Waters Partnership, tracking what is happening and ensuring coordination between federal agencies and other organizations. Cindi is updating our 2019-2020 Urban Waters Federal Partnership Work Plan and will have the 2024 work plan available this Fall.

Grant Facilitator

Cindi convenes and facilitates coalitions of RIO partners to identify and apply to federal grant opportunities.  Watch for her quarterly updates in the Rio Reimagined newsletter.  
If you have a project/grant you would like to discuss with Cindi, please complete the Proposed in Link below.

Role & Benefits of a RIO Ambassador

Federal Liaison

As your Ambassador to the Urban Waters Federal Partnership, Cindi can identify federal funding opportunities and connects tools and resources to local needs in collaboration with local partners. Cindi is currently working on two regional grant applications with several more in the pipeline.

Please email Cindi with any questions.

Local Leader

The Rio Reimagined Ambassador navigates our Urban Waters Federal Partnership, tracking what is happening in other locations and ensuring coordination between federal agencies and other organizations.

Cindi is updating our  2019-2020 Urban Waters Federal Partnership Work Plan,  a 2024 work plan available this Fall.

Grant Facilitator 

Cindi convenes and facilitates coalitions of RIO partners to identify and apply to federal grant opportunities. Watch for her quarterly updates in the Rio Reimagined newsletter.  If you have a project/grant you would like to discuss with Cindi.

Please complete the Proposed Internal Project Profile Form.

Updates from the Ambassador Blog

907, 2024

RIO Ambassador Update – The Power of Partnerships

July 9, 2024|0 Comments

In her quarterly “Updates from the Rio Reimagined Ambassador” Cindi Ptak shares her insights and reflections from her work serving as a liaison between local partners and the federal government as part of [...]

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