Active Planning and Projects
Revitalization of the Salt and Gila River corridor is happening through a multitude of efforts at the regional, sub-regional, and local scale, too numerous and dynamic to describe in their entirety. Over the decades, various plans and discrete projects have been designed, funded and implemented along the river, and planning continues by various Rio Reimagined partners. Check out the featured projects below to learn more about active planning efforts within the corridor that are designed, coordinated, and led by communities impacted by the change they create.

Current Planning Efforts
Current Planning Efforts
Over many decades, public agencies have engaged in a variety of planning efforts within the Salt and Gila River corridor. From the early aspirations of the El Rio Watercourse Master Plan, to the economic engine of Tempe Town Lake, to the riparian and recreation restoration of the Rio Salado Habitat Area, the Rio Reimagined study area has been an intermittent focus for planners.

Featured Projects
Featured Projects
Communities along the river corridor have invested in discrete projects that focus on river health, water treatment and recharge, recreation, educational programming and economic development. Rio Reimagined is a regional effort to connect and enhance this urban greenway together across jurisdictional bounds.
Rio Reimagined Regional Vision Plan
Rio Reimagined Regional Vision Plan
For several years local communities have invested in planning and projects in the Rio Reimagined river corridor, however, there has not been a regional community vision or plan established for the Rio Reimagined study area. To position the corridor for long-term success, Rio Reimagined is embarking on a regional-scale vision plan that will include expansive community-led design and outreach, as well as alignment of municipal, county, and tribal planning priorities.
Active Planning and Projects
Revitalization of the Salt and Gila River corridor is happening through a multitude of efforts at the regional, sub-regional, and local scale, too numerous and dynamic to describe in their entirety. Over the decades, various plans and discrete projects have been designed, funded and implemented along the river, and planning continues by various Rio Reimagined partners. Check out the featured projects below to learn more about active planning efforts within the corridor that are designed, coordinated, and led by communities impacted by the change they create.
Current Planning Efforts
Over many decades, public agencies have engaged in a variety of planning efforts within the Salt and Gila River corridor. From the early aspirations of the El Rio Watercourse Master Plan, to the economic engine of Tempe Town Lake, to the riparian and recreation restoration of the Rio Salado Habitat Area, the Rio Reimagined study area has been an intermittent focus for planners.
Featured Projects
Over many decades, communities along the river corridor have invested in discrete projects that focus on river health, water treatment and recharge, recreation, educational programming and economic development. The essence of Rio Reimagined is a regional effort to connect and enhance this urban greenway together across cities and nations.
Active Planning and Projects
Revitalization of the Salt and Gila River corridor is happening through a multitude of efforts at the regional, sub-regional, and local scale, too numerous and dynamic to describe in their entirety. Over the decades, various plans and discrete projects have been designed, funded and implemented along the river, and planning continues by various Rio Reimagined partners. Check out the featured projects below to learn more about active planning efforts within the corridor that are designed, coordinated, and led by communities impacted by the change they create.

Current Planning Efforts
Over many decades, public agencies have engaged in a variety of planning efforts within the Salt and Gila River corridor. From the early aspirations of the El Rio Watercourse Master Plan, to the economic engine of Tempe Town Lake, to the riparian and recreation restoration of the Rio Salado Habitat Area, the Rio Reimagined study area has been an intermittent focus for planners.

Featured Projects
Over many decades, communities along the river corridor have invested in discrete projects that focus on river health, water treatment and recharge, recreation, educational programming and economic development. The essence of Rio Reimagined is a regional effort to connect and enhance this urban greenway together across cities and nations.
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Sign up to receive news, updates, and Rio Partnership meeting invites to keep informed about the initiative.