About the Collaborative

The Lower Gila River Collaborative (LGRC) is a voluntary partnership formed in 2018 by public partners to support collective goals of restoring the lower Gila River ecosystem while encouraging stewardship, recreation, and compatible development.  This active coalition works to create a healthy Lower Gila River system with sufficient water resources to support functioning habitat, engaged and resilient communities, vibrant local economy and quality of life for present and future generations.

The place-based work of LGRC partners, all actively engaged in Rio Reimagined, represent a sub-regional focus on the western reach of the river corridor.  See the light-green oval on the map below for the focus area of the Lower Gila River Collaborative, overlaid on the Rio Reimagined regional study area.

Learn more about the Lower Gila River Collaborative.

The LGRC Focus Area

Mapped Priorities Guide LGRC Impact

The Lower Gila River Collaborative is a voluntary coalition of partners, who agree to work together on shared regional priorities.  The group is organized into councils, working groups and committees, working on map-based priorities and key strategies centered on vegetation management and monitoring, recreation access and flood control in the west valley.   Their collaborative work is heralded as a proven and successful sub-regional effort within the Rio Reimagined.

Non-profit, state and federal partners have worked to secure multiple grants in recent years to support a ‘Strategic Action Plan’ and more.  The LGRC is facilitated and convened by a consultant team from Southwest Decision Resources.

The LGRC’s Collaborative Projects Dashboard below is an excellent example of their successful collaboration on communication and decision making tools, provided by the talented GIS teams of Maricopa County.

Visit the LGRC website to learn more about ways you can engage with the Lower Gila River Collaborative.

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